Psychological Tests
As researcher, publisher, consultant and author I was involved in the development of many tests and questionnaires. This page contains some examples.
StandardSDS; Dutch version
For decades John Holland’s Self-Directed Search is one of the most influential vocational interests inventories world-wide . For the new Dutch edition I translated the questionnaire, developed the norms, conducted reliability and validity analyses and authored the manual.
d2 test of attention
The d2 is a classic and a standard in the measurement of attention (EFPA, ITC). I am responsible for the psychometrics and manual of the Dutch versions of the test since 2011.
Achievement Motivation Inventory
The AMI is the Dutch version of the Leistungsmotivationsinventar, a questionnaire for motivation in work and work related settings. In cooperation with the publisher, I translated the questionnaire and executed the research into the reliability and validity and authored the manual.
Drempeltest and Tussentest
Together with Teije de Vos I published at Boom testuitgevers the revised version of the Drempeltest and Tussentest, intelligence tests for highest levels of primary education.
Continuous test norms
For (cognitive) tests for children and adolescents it is important to avoid the bias that occurs with traditional cohort norms when a testee moves from one norm table to the next one; for popular IQ tests these biases are commonly 3-4 IQ points, but may occasionally reach 10 IQ points. By using continuous norming, norms score can be calculated at the level of age in days and the norm table transition gaps are avoided. I constructed such norms for the Cattell Fluid Intelligence Test (CFT 20-R) for the UK, Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway, the d2 and d2-R (Netherlands), the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS-3) for Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands, and multiple school progress tests for Boom testuigevers (Netherlands).
Other tests and questionnaires
Other tests and questionnaires I was involved with in developing or adapting include: the Hogan Personality Inventory, the Hogan Development Survey, the Randstad Vocational Interest Test, the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index, the Medical Outcome Studies (SF-20), the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ-C), the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ), and the Motivation at School Questionnaire (LMT).